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Even in our moment of greatest darkness, there is light. And there is hope. And there is hope not only for our own lives, but we should be hopeful about our ability to change the world.

Ritchie Torres, Member of the United States Congress (D-NY)

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Daniel Pomerantz

Balance of Chaos: A Lawyer Explains Israel’s Judicial Reform

As hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets all over the country, the Knesset voted to end the Israeli Supreme Court’s use of the “Reasonableness Standard.”

Daniel Pomerantz

Is antisemitism behind opposition to IHRA?

The small town of Clifton New Jersey faced a shock. Uncharacteristic antisemitic graffiti and vandalism, an unsettling surprise to the local population.

Daniel Pomerantz
Human Rights

How We Beat the Apartheid Libel on Campus

One irreplaceable tool is that we are a credible research organization. I explained to the students that the way Amnesty “proved” their claim of apartheid was by literally changing the definition of the word.