Our first Founder Friday

Our first Founder Friday

Our first Founder Friday, where I welcome you to our offices to talk for a minute about our week: sharing highlights on our latest work and real-world impact from our incredible team!

Daniel Pomerantz [00:00]: Welcome to the Reality Check Tel Aviv offices and thank you for joining me for our first Founders Friday, where I spend a few moments with you to share what we’ve been doing during the week. And this week, I’m particularly proud, we’re particularly proud that we’ve been awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency by Guide Star. It’s the world’s largest nonprofit information service. Fewer than 1% of nonprofits get this designation. It’s a real sign of trust and confidence in our work and thank YOU very much for making all of that possible.

[00:28] Also, we have big news on social media. We have only been on social media a couple of months, but we have just started cracking through. We’ve had a reach of over 50,000 just this past week. Our videos were viewed over 13,000 times, which for someone that’s brand new on social media is an incredibly good start and really a sign of good things to come.

[00:48] In particular, our video on the fact that most Austrians don’t know that six million Jews died in the Holocaust got a lot of traction, comments, debate, arguments. Austrians were weighing in. Germans were weighing in. And, we’re really glad to see our work making an impact.

[01:02] And speaking of work making an impact, if you’ve been following us, you already know that our research study on Holocaust education is already being used by Senators Langfield and Rosen in the United States Senate to try and pass the Heal Act on Holocaust education. You know, it’s being used by Beth Bernstein in South Carolina to get a law passed there.

[01:18] But you might not know that B’nai B’rith of Canada just reached out to us. They’re actually very involved in legal interventions, and working on policy in Canada. And they look to us to provide them with the scientific research backing that they need in order to do their work with respect to Holocaust education law. So we’re really proud to be making an impact in so many places in the world after such really a short period of time.

[01:43] Don’t forget that all of our work is supported by nonprofit donations from donors like you. So thank you very much for being that support.

[01:50] We are working on the second phase of our research right now. Our field study is in the field. People are, we’re interviewing 1300 respondents from throughout the United States ages 18 to 40 on these issues of Holocaust education to get a little more depth in our study. It’s going on right now. The next step is to bring our work to UNESCO for our partnership with them.

[02:14] If you can help support that work, we would really appreciate it. It makes a great difference. You are what makes all of this happen. So thank you very much for helping us do what we do, and see you next week. And have a happy Shavuot.

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